Sunday, 26 June 2011

Day 177

Kerrie took me to this hike she went on yesterday 
and we walked up the river bed a ways it was so beautiful
I don't think anyone could ever get bored 
in a place such as this

Day 176

Two photos today top one is Anna holding a Salamander 
which is kinda cool but holding it not so much

And this one Kerrie, Kevin and Trevor taught me some new 
games it was fun and I would like it noted that I for once am
not in last place :)

Day 175

I never realised my accent was that bad it was Alecia
that realised I was Clad hahahaha fun times

Friday, 17 June 2011

Day 168

Mum and Dad's 50th wedding anniversary and the first picture 
of all of us together for about 25 years

Day 167

Looks yummy but it's fruit cake yuk!

Day 166

Postman poor man was working his day off 

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Day 165

The ultimate day from HELL seriously 
where is the rewind button to 
start over

Day 164

Our new squishyful sofa I am seriously in love
 with that thing

Day 163

Roped into nursery on sunday and painted with Reuben 

Day 162


Day 161

Glad I wasn't walking past that car!

Day 160

Passport found after I had paid for a new 
one oh well such is life

Day 159

Damons virgin strawberry daquiri
nuff said

Day 158

Virtually packed! saddo or what 

Day 157

Conference issue woo hoo :D

Day 156

My holiday cannot come soon enough I am 
certainly ready for it!

Day 155

Stinky yuk yuk yuk but dad loves em

Day 154

Small yes but the only pic I have of 
my brother Ian finishing his 
like 12th Ironman 

Day 153

Bramble flowers mmmmmmm brambles

Day 152

Day 151

The car I am learning to drive in

Day 150

The things I have to do for my job lol thought I would
have become immune to them by now
unfortunately not 

Day 149

Red sky at night Shepards delight

Day 148

The steam from the cooked bread :( smelt nice though :)

Day 147

Lil piece of America here in England

Day 146

Rain rain GO AWAY!

Day 145

Saw this and was very amused