Thursday, 25 August 2011

Day 237

Is it me or is this statue weird?

Day 236

One minute Dad was sat quite happily he shifted his 
weight and crash lol took three of us to get 
him up we were laughing too hard

Day 235

Re-reading an old favourite :)

Day 234

This little beauty stopped me from boiling alive on this 
day more than worth the $6 it cost 

Day 233

I love this lil girl can I keep her?

Day 232

Making my first 6 foot sandwich :)

Day 231

Its a bird No its a plane hahaha

Day 230

My Birthday present I Love It!

Day 229

My Little Village

Day 228

I love Ladybugs

Day 227

I seriously want to make these!

Day 226

This is what I love about sundays church and seeing 
all the little ones here is the lovely Lily 

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Day 225

Fabulous afternoon with Phoebe and Charlotte

Day 224

Leanne was so made up with this twilight cup she 
had to have a picture taken with it lol

Day 223

I love sunrises wish I didn't have to be up that early though

Day 222

Spaghetti Bolognese = heaven on a plate

Day 221

My cousin adored this house so every time I see it 
I think of her 

Day 220

Extreme boredom = purple toenails

Day 219

Not the best picture but I love who I am with!

Day 218

Reminds me of the willow tree outside my nanna's house
the branches trailing the floor and playing hide and seek

Day 217

Amazing things that keep your hair pinned up without
using pins or bobbles (no more headaches whoop)

Day 216

Daddy Dearest lol

Day 215


Day 214

Cuddle Time 

Day 213

New spinny squishy chair <3

Day 212

The talented Ryan who has pretty much taught 
himself to play the piano

Day 211

Yeah I'm boring!

Day 210

First time in two weeks I could eat something like this 
without being in blinding pain

Day 209

Firemans Fete dunk the fireman = FUN =)

Day 208


Day 207

Unbearable tooth pain =  this is what ya get!

Day 206

I think along with the chocolate problem I may have a
 notebook problem whoops

Day 205

Love this feature on my laptop shows what sites I visit the most 
and a quick way to get one of them